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priME SIM - Serious games for interactive learning success


We develop and operate digital serious games and gamified applications under the priME SIM brand that are specifically designed to convey entrepreneurial topics in a playful way. 


Our goal is to make complex business content accessible and understandable through interactive and entertaining serious games. 


We attach great importance to the practical and didactically valuable transfer of knowledge that can be directly applied in everyday professional life.


We currently offer a diverse range of serious games that cover different aspects of entrepreneurship:
priME SIM Innovation
priME SIM Innovation 

This serious game focuses on promoting creative thinking processes and developing innovative business ideas. 


It enables participants to test innovation strategies in a safe environment and understand the dynamics of innovation processes.


Further information about priME SIM Innovation can be found here.

priME SIM Entrepreneurship
priME SIM Entrepreneurship 

Here participants learn the basics of starting and running a business. 


From idea generation to business planning to launching a product on the market – this serious game covers all the essential phases of the entrepreneurial life cycle.


You can find more information about priME SIM Entrepreneurship here.

priME SIM Strategic Management
priME SIM Strategic Management 

This serious game teaches the principles of strategic management. Participants take on the role of managers and learn how to develop and implement long-term business strategies to ensure company success.


Further information about priME SIM Strategic Management can be found here.

priME SIM Strategic Management Professional
priME SIM Strategic Management Professional 

An expanded version of our serious game priME SIM Strategic Management, which is aimed at advanced users. 


More complex scenarios and deeper strategic analyzes are offered here to further sharpen professional leadership skills.


Further information about priME SIM Strategic Management Professional can be found here.

priME SIM Clinic Management
priME SIM Clinic Management 

Designed specifically for the healthcare sector, this serious game addresses the challenges and strategies in the management of clinics. 


It provides insights into operational and strategic clinical management and helps improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare.


Further information about priME SIM Clinic Management can be found here.

priME SIM Sports Company Manager

This serious game simulates the management of a sports company. 


Participants learn how to successfully manage sports organizations, develop marketing strategies and overcome financial challenges.


Further information about priME SIM Sports Company Manager can be found here.


Practical development

priME SIM Sports Company Manager is the result of a joint initiative that was launched as part of a cooperation project between TSG Ludwigshafen-Friesenheim Bundesliga-Handball GmbH, commonly known as Eulen Ludwigshafen, and priME Academy AG. 


This partnership aims to combine the strengths and expertise of both organizations to develop an innovative and effective management tool for the sports sector. 


The project combines Eulen Ludwigshafen's practical experience and extensive knowledge from professional handball with the technological and pedagogical expertise of priME Academy AG to create an advanced solution for the management training of sports organizations.


Support as part of the federal government's funding of computer games

The development of the serious game was financially supported by the federal government's computer games funding. received financial support. This funding is a federal government program specifically aimed at supporting the development of innovative and high-quality computer games in Germany.

priME SIM Sports Company Manager
Eulen Ludwigshafen
Federal government's funding of computer games
A selection of satisfied users